John's sister and her family along with John and I and our kids visited with Great Grandma. It was a wonderful time for the kids to meet their great-grandmother and I think she was tickled to have us even though we're quite a crowd!

One of my beautiful daughters. Sarah, you are still my sunshine! What a great looking couple.

My sunshine with the beautiful Florida sun setting behind her. We didn't miss a single sunset.

We were on the Gulf Coast and this is the view of the beach to the north...

The view to the south...

The view from the water... our favorite spot in the mornings for the entire week.

My favorite people in the whole wide world. Yes, it's a bikini, what can I say? She look great in it. She did dress differently for her parasailing trip (photos to come later).

Brad, John and Joshua with their treasure, sand dollars, lots of them. We couldn't find them shallow so we swam out a ways to dive for them. We found the motherload. I insisted upon diving myself for the ones I wanted to bring back for my friends.

A moment I captured while taking family photos on the beach. The kids drew a Happy Father's Day message in the sand and filled it with seashells. The sun was too bright so it was very difficult to capture it in a photo.
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