How does my garden grow?
(Above) The view from our deck to the left (East)... Canteloupe, watermelon, potatoes, carrots, corn, tomatoes, zucchini, parsley and cilantro
The view from the deck to the right (West)... radishes, spinach, lettuce (both romaine and green leaf), more carrots, bell peppers, onions, egg plant (volunteers from last year) and yellow squash. Sugar snap peas, green beans, more corn, sweet potatoes, cucumbers, hercules dill and a volunteer tomato plant from last year.
The herb garden which will be re-done next year. Wooly lambs ear, catnip, lemon balm, sorrel, chives and chamomile. I tried to sneak an eggplant in here this year because there was just nowhere else to plant it. As it turns out there are two volunteers coming up in the bed where I planted them last year. I had no idea how prolific most herbs grow. The lambs ear, especially, will be used for landscaping as soon as I can figure out the best way to design it OR when we get our new house built (whenever that is...). Our peach tree is a bit heavy with fruit :-) and I will have to prune the lowest branch in the fall.
Chamomile is beautiful and fragrant (not as fragrant as others though) and grows unexpectedly better this year than last.
WE HAVE GRAPES!!! This is so cool and I hope that one day we will have long hedges full of grapevines producing those luscious little gems of fruit.
Our visit to th botanical gardens provided the vision for how we really want to plant our fruit trees, berry bushes and grapes. If it is part of God's plan we are more than willing to cooperate!! It's all about utilizing space well and using espaliers to do so. Very cool - I'll see if Barb will let me have some photos to post.
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