The strawberry patch. We got a good crop this year. I think we might have to help it propogate this year. The patch seems to be reducing in size now rather than spreading it's runners back the other direction as I had hoped.

Asparagus, another surprise. Last year I purchased it and then didn't get it planted for a very long time. I really thought it probably had passed all chances of surviving but I gave it a shot anyway. We (Rachel and I) planted it in the area between two raised beds because, well, let's see, because we didn't think it would grow due to the infestation we had of grubs in that area, because we had read that if it does grow it will need lots of space and we didn't want to sacrifice an entire raised bed to one crop and because it was late in the season and, quite honestly, I just didn't care anymore. Surprise, surprise, it started coming up almost immediately. This year, there is lots more and it looks very healthy according to the plants I saw at the botanical gardens. It appears to be doing exactly what it's supposed to do. So, we should be able to harvest a small crop of asparagus next spring and then more each year thereafter.

Hercules Dill, to keep the bugs away, invite the butterflies and just because I like the way it looks and smells.

The raised bed dedicated to herbs is in no way large enough to contain all the herbs I wanted to grow so we also have many containers on our deck to grow those we actually cook with the most. Thyme is very hearty and I have several different kinds. I realized last night while preparing our meal that I failed to get basil planted - what! No basil, what's wrong with this picture. It's one of the most used herbs in our garden. I must remedy that right away. Actually, I did plant it but it was a more unusual type so it didn't survive :-( I'll try the old dependable one this time. Above is the container with my Papa John's mix: thyme, sage, chives, rosemary and would have been the basil. I tossed in a decorative plant also at the last minute, again, because there was no room elsewhere :-)

You say you can't grow anything? Listen, if I didn't kill these poor babies with the maltreatment I, inadvertantly, gave them, you can't either. My mother sent a small bunch of these Hen and Chicks home with me wrapped in aluminum foil. Once again, I set them aside thinking I would plant them and didn't, and didn't, and didn't... I watered them every once in a while (tossed some water out of a cup before taking it in to be washed). Then I put them in this cracked flower pot at the end of the season last year and left them in the same spot near the raised bed all winter. This spring I discovered they had not only survived but were actually thriving and quite pretty, in my humble opinion. I know many folks don't care for these, sometimes invasive, plants but if cared for carefully (not) they can be contained and really are a nice addition to the garden. Thanks Mom!
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