Hello! Today is:


The last few days have been more productive than usual. I can't say that to my dh because he has harrassed me for a couple of weeks to drink 'his tea'. I finally acquiesced and, voila, the more productive days... It certainly could be the tea (Prince of Peace Jasmine Green Tea) or it could simply be the power of suggestion :-) I think I will give it more time to decide if I want to give his tea credit or not.

I have found myself more distracted and searching for words, often blurting out the wrong words only to have my kids looking at me very strangely. I just sigh and tell them they know what I meant. It could be age but it could be the level of distraction I am allowing to enter my mental state.

My friends and I met this week to discuss our homeschooling thoughts and I had to confess to them that they are way ahead of me on this lesson planning thing because I have simply not allowed myself to start considering it much. I know how I get when I start to lesson plan. Oh, it's just like a kid in a candy store! I love to plan, plan and plan. But I have matured enough in my homeschooling journey to come to the full realization that it's not the planning that counts; it's the execution of those well laid plans that matters. I had too many household projects that took priority before I could bury my head in the planning sands. Those projects are starting to slowly and steadily be marked off as completed - thank the heavens!

Perhaps the next weeks will find me blogging more as my thoughts turn more to lessons and school year activities. I love the preparations for our support group as well. Pulling things together for the group is very exciting and rewarding for me. I hope that this will be a very good year.

