This is what it looks like...
when I work my program - when I put my faith in action on a typical day. It's easier to see faith in action when a major crisis looms over our head or those we love and care about. But it's less obvious in the day-to-day, sometimes tedious challenges we face. When a family experiences a death or other loss, financial catastrophe, natural disaster or other major event it is more obvious if they are acting in faith to maintain their peace and trusting that God will provide for their needs and bring order to chaos.
What about when things just don't go the way we plan. What if, like me today, you'd had plans for days or weeks to resume the work you had started getting your home in order and creating an environment free of clutter and filled with warmth and oozing hospitality and when you finally got your situation set up so you could go to work, the gentlemen who were suppose to be at your house a couple weeks ago to replace your dying AC unit decided today was the day they'd actually show up. What if they had to be in the same vicinity of your home that you intended to focus on? What if every bone in your body was filled with frustration that you simply were going to have to put off that project? Again. The old me would have fallen into a foul mood, probably snapping at my kids, perhaps even tossing a few things around, mentally obsessing and digging up all the other frustrations I'd experienced and declaring that I just "couldn't do this anymore". The mole hill certainly would have grown into Mt. Everest. Instead of welcoming home my dear husband with a hug, a smile and warm hello I would have glared at him until he escaped upstairs. Silly, I know. But true. Instead, I surrendered it - small as it was - and asked God to give me a good attitude. I was reminded that the reason the gentlemen had not arrived when they originally planned was because one of them, a very dear friend and sweet, sweet man has been very ill. Today was the first day he's been out of his house and he's still taking medications for his illness. My house, my AC was the first thing on his list. How can I possibly complain? Instead of sulking around my house my youngest daughter encouraged me to go to my room and take a nap. She'd let me know if the workers needed me. Taking a nap, or even time to just sit and rest on a weekday? Seriously? Wow - who knew!? I gave her a hug and went to my room. I read a little, slept a little and watched the Cooking Channel a little. When my husband arrived home he found me right where I was. He asked if everything was okay - said he doesn't usually see me doing that :-) I assured him that all was good and I was just relaxing since my plans had changed and there wasn't really much else for me to do. Okay. This is good.
I'm not suggesting that a nap or the Cooking Channel is the answer to all life's little challenges. I'm just very aware that it is my growing ability to" let go and let God", say "it is what it is", and "how important is it" (some of my favorite slogans) keeps me in a state of emotional sobriety. Pretty much every day I experience situations that I recognize would have threatened my peace and serenity if I were not living intentionally and acting in faith. I pray in gratitude for all that God has done and continues to do for me.
What are some of your daily struggles, the "ankle-biters" that threaten your peace?
What about when things just don't go the way we plan. What if, like me today, you'd had plans for days or weeks to resume the work you had started getting your home in order and creating an environment free of clutter and filled with warmth and oozing hospitality and when you finally got your situation set up so you could go to work, the gentlemen who were suppose to be at your house a couple weeks ago to replace your dying AC unit decided today was the day they'd actually show up. What if they had to be in the same vicinity of your home that you intended to focus on? What if every bone in your body was filled with frustration that you simply were going to have to put off that project? Again. The old me would have fallen into a foul mood, probably snapping at my kids, perhaps even tossing a few things around, mentally obsessing and digging up all the other frustrations I'd experienced and declaring that I just "couldn't do this anymore". The mole hill certainly would have grown into Mt. Everest. Instead of welcoming home my dear husband with a hug, a smile and warm hello I would have glared at him until he escaped upstairs. Silly, I know. But true. Instead, I surrendered it - small as it was - and asked God to give me a good attitude. I was reminded that the reason the gentlemen had not arrived when they originally planned was because one of them, a very dear friend and sweet, sweet man has been very ill. Today was the first day he's been out of his house and he's still taking medications for his illness. My house, my AC was the first thing on his list. How can I possibly complain? Instead of sulking around my house my youngest daughter encouraged me to go to my room and take a nap. She'd let me know if the workers needed me. Taking a nap, or even time to just sit and rest on a weekday? Seriously? Wow - who knew!? I gave her a hug and went to my room. I read a little, slept a little and watched the Cooking Channel a little. When my husband arrived home he found me right where I was. He asked if everything was okay - said he doesn't usually see me doing that :-) I assured him that all was good and I was just relaxing since my plans had changed and there wasn't really much else for me to do. Okay. This is good.
I'm not suggesting that a nap or the Cooking Channel is the answer to all life's little challenges. I'm just very aware that it is my growing ability to" let go and let God", say "it is what it is", and "how important is it" (some of my favorite slogans) keeps me in a state of emotional sobriety. Pretty much every day I experience situations that I recognize would have threatened my peace and serenity if I were not living intentionally and acting in faith. I pray in gratitude for all that God has done and continues to do for me.
What are some of your daily struggles, the "ankle-biters" that threaten your peace?
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