Yes, it's true
There are things we cannot change. There are people we cannot change. In fact, there is only one person we can change - ourselves. We only have the responsibility to change one person - ourselves. When I am able to grasp that reality it sets... me... free...!!! I have come to accept that my life is a mess without the grace of God to help me through each day,
each trial,
each frustration,
each hurt
each argument
each disappointment
each resentment
each jealousy
each betrayal
each temptation
each loss
each pain
each fear
each insult
each loneliness
each anger
each lie
each guilt
each shame
each obsession
each thing that causes me to be a person I don't want to be.
Grace: unmerited favor, free gift of God. But I like this idea of grace that, if I recall correctly, came from a bible study I did last year - grace is the Holy Spirit in us enabling to do what we cannot do by ourselves. On my own, with my fallen human nature, I cannot free myself of the things that prevent me from becoming the person God wants me to be. I cannot change myself without the help of God's Grace
each trial,
each frustration,
each hurt
each argument
each disappointment
each resentment
each jealousy
each betrayal
each temptation
each loss
each pain
each fear
each insult
each loneliness
each anger
each lie
each guilt
each shame
each obsession
each thing that causes me to be a person I don't want to be.
Grace: unmerited favor, free gift of God. But I like this idea of grace that, if I recall correctly, came from a bible study I did last year - grace is the Holy Spirit in us enabling to do what we cannot do by ourselves. On my own, with my fallen human nature, I cannot free myself of the things that prevent me from becoming the person God wants me to be. I cannot change myself without the help of God's Grace
...the Fruits of the Holy Spirit, which are the observable behaviors of people who have allowed the grace of the Holy Spirit to be effective in them.
charity | |
joy | |
peace | |
patience | |
kindness | |
goodness generosity gentleness faithfulness modesty self-control chastity more to ponder... |
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