Seeking the blessings
Life. It doesn't stop because Christmas is upon us. It doesn't slow down because we need to catch our breath. Sometimes it is great, sometimes it's not. Sometimes I have to work really hard to remember why I try so hard to do what I'm doing. I feel guilty because I can't keep up and then I feel guilty about feeling guilty because surely there are more important things in this world than my daily grind. But hey, it is what it is. This is the life and the challenges I have been given, the crosses I have been blessed with - and, yes, I do mean blessed. I see with my eyes and with my heart the pain and sadness, the fear and loneliness that others are suffering each day. I wish I could "make it all better", but I can't. What I can do - this I am learning to do - is embrace every day and every opportunity for seeking the blessings. Blessings are often hidden in the hurt. I must seek them. I must move aside the murkiness and search for and focus on the blessing that is hidden. I used to think real blessings had to be so big and so bold that they couldn't be missed - even for someone who wasn't looking for them. What I am learning is that most blessings are in the smallest details of our daily lives. Unless I am looking for them I will miss them. I will go merrily along without even a thought about how God is working in my life.
I don't want to miss them. I want to see them, recognize them and rejoice over them. I want to be intensely aware of the smallest details and give thanks for each. I want to be the cracked pot that Jesus' light shines through so that others can see Him in me. I want to be the eyes that look directly at you when you speak to me. I want to be the arms that hold you when your heart is breaking and when you are rejoicing. I want to be the hands and feet that help you when you need it and the voice that speaks the truth when you need to hear it. I want to be the one you can look at and see the real me with all my faults and failures, forgiveness and hope, kindness and friendship. I need Jesus. I need to know that God is directing my every step and that He will never leave me and will always love me. I need God to reveal the blessing in every circumstance of my life so I can be the person He created me to be. Seeking the blessings is seeking the path that is before me and knowing when I am on it and when I'm not. When I fail to seek the blessings, I fail to seek God and acknowledge my complete dependence on Him.
In good times and in bad, I must seek the blessings.
I don't want to miss them. I want to see them, recognize them and rejoice over them. I want to be intensely aware of the smallest details and give thanks for each. I want to be the cracked pot that Jesus' light shines through so that others can see Him in me. I want to be the eyes that look directly at you when you speak to me. I want to be the arms that hold you when your heart is breaking and when you are rejoicing. I want to be the hands and feet that help you when you need it and the voice that speaks the truth when you need to hear it. I want to be the one you can look at and see the real me with all my faults and failures, forgiveness and hope, kindness and friendship. I need Jesus. I need to know that God is directing my every step and that He will never leave me and will always love me. I need God to reveal the blessing in every circumstance of my life so I can be the person He created me to be. Seeking the blessings is seeking the path that is before me and knowing when I am on it and when I'm not. When I fail to seek the blessings, I fail to seek God and acknowledge my complete dependence on Him.
In good times and in bad, I must seek the blessings.
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