Hello! Today is:


A valuable lesson I learned as a La Leche League Leader.  A lesson I continue to practice on a daily basis.  I say practice because that is what it requires; daily attention to my focus, my attitude and my effort.  I must practice surrendering my life and my will (my actions and my words) to God every single day.  Early in the morning - before my feet hit the floor actually - is the best time to do that.  But if for any reason I forget or fail to do so I can start my day anew at any given moment.  Practice makes progress (ha! bet you thought I was going to write perfect but I can't honestly say that because I will never be perfect at it since I have my weak human nature). 

I try to stay focused on the "next right thing" to keep my day moving in the right direction.  The reality is that there will always be a "next right thing" - the list will never end, there will never be an empty spot on the mental list of "things to do".  It's exhausting.  It's frustrating.  It's true.  I have found recently that if I just keep asking for the next thing and the grace to do that thing and not worry about the rest I don't have a bad attitude creeping up on me quite as frequently or persistently.  It still happens but that's when I find my way to my quiet place on my knees breathing deeply.

Life is too short and all to precious to waste on worry, anxiety, fear, resentment, procrastination and stuff. 

