Hello! Today is:


Editing to say this was originally published in July 2007. What day exactly I do not know. My surgery was on July 7, so it might actually have been June when this was written. And I have no photos of John's luncheon or the party we had here. Not that I can find at least. Maybe when I start going through the old drives and moving them to the big drive that John got for just that purpose.

Firstly, I want to mention that, sadly, all of the babies that we hatched in the incubator but one have now died or been taken by predators :-) Hatcher fell into a very deep bucket last week and couldn't get out and he died there. Alison was wonderful in the way she handled it with sensitivity and love. Josh and John took it hard. The rest of us are sad about it but not they way they are. Alison and Patrick buried Hatcher on the bluff overlooking the wetlands and the pond - thank you both.

Next I just wanted to add the frustration John and I both have over finally staining our deck this Saturday after weeks and weeks of putting it off due to the forecast and when we finally did it it started raining and has rained, hard, off and on ever since (that was yesterday). It's Murphy's Laws I suppose. Who is Murphy and who gave him authority to make laws??? The deck is stained - we don't know how well it will turn out with the continuing rain but at least we tried! The party is in a little over a week. We'll be praying for good weather.

And last but certainly not least, I am adding a few photos I took during John's farewell luncheon. It was very nice, there were lots of folks there and I could tell he was very well liked and will be missed. He received some very nice gifts and so did I :-) 

The party planning is going on and getting exciting! Christa and the boys will be arriving Tuesday and will be staying to help out - lots! I also am blessed to have some very dear friends of mine insisting that they help! I love them and they know who they are - Barb, Gina and Robin :-) John and I leave to go overnight to Ft. Leonardwood on Wednesday and it will be nice to have an extra adult here for Sarah and Amanda. I plan on putting them all to work very soon.

The house is shaping up and everything will start to come together this week. John fixed the entertainment center that I bought and didn't fit our television. I suggested something and he did it and it actually worked - yippee!!Surgery is around the corner and I'm mentally preparing for that also. John plans to start his new job around the first of August so that gives me plenty of recovering time with him at home. I pray it all goes smoothly...

