Coffee cups and candles
These are just two of my favorite things. You wonder where I get the titles for my blog posts? I’m sitting at my kitchen table waiting for inspiration for this morning’s pondering, and I am determined to simply write until I feel inspired... and it occurs to me I like pretty coffee cups and candles burning nearby as I write. Actually, I like candles anytime, anywhere. But I have developed the habit of burning them in the morning as part of my hygee. What is that? Well, you’ve probably already heard of it and know what it is by the time you read this, but just in case you haven’t and don’t - hygee is a more precise way of saying “cozy”. It’s really much more than just cozy, but that’s the best word in our American culture to describe it. Perhaps I’ll write more abou that later. The point I was making is I like the softness, warmth that the candles burning bring into my space.
Recently I gathered a group of about 6-8 candles and placed the on a larger plate to burn as a nice collection. Between poor wick management and an almost unnoticed breeze, many of them burned sideways and ended up melting the candles beside it, creating a pretty cool melted work of art. Everyone who has noticed it has commented how much they like it. Josh went so far as to say he’d like to have one. LOL. I’m not sure I could actually reproduce the original - well, I know I couldn’t actually - it would be an original obviously - but I did attempt it. It’s not quite the same but it has the same feel to it. I think it’s something I’ll actually continue to attempt because I do like the very natural, unpretentious feel of freely melted max creating an entirely new look each time. So, candles, yeah.
Last night we had a FULL FAMILY MEAL!!! It was the first full day Sarah and Brad and the kids were back, and I wanted to make sure they had a decent meal. Packing and moving usually results in a lot of hodge-podge meals towards the end and then a lot of fast food while loading and traveling, so I knew they’d be ready for a decent meal. I was all-too-happy to oblige :-) Brad and I made the discovery, however, that neither of us really enjoys the whole pot roast, potatoes and carrots thing. Call me surprised. I thought I actually like it. Maybe it was because it was prepared in the oven rather than the crock pot or Insta-pot and the meat was not quite as tender as it would be that way. I actually prefer French Dip sandwiches if I’m using a chuck roast... do you really care about any of this? I didn’t think so LOL. I digress... We had the entire family here - that was the point. For the first time in months, we had all of our five kids present along with their spouses and kids. It was wonderful, awesome, fantastic, incredible - it was a gift to my heart and to my spirit.
Having a house full of grandkids and babies will be a new level of energy requirements, and I’m trusting God to provide all I need! ❤️
Speaking of trusting God - I’m having a real struggle putting aside the angst I’m experiencing about expectations and plans of our own for a new home. These are things I know I will have to work through. I need my walks. Walking helps me work through many things, and I haven’t walked for weeks now. In part, because of the frigid temps but now also because there has just been so many other things I needed to get done. Some of those things still are not complete, and I hope to be able to get to them before Sawyer makes his appearance. Since we really don’t want to hold up that sweet bundle of joy, I need to get on those tasks as quickly as possible.
Today, however, it’s off to Sarah’s house to hang out while the cable guy gets their hook-ups completed. Sammy needs clothes for school, and I’m sure there are more than a few other things I could help with. It is a bit surreal that they are home, and I can simply drive over to their house and vice versa. I know how difficult it was to leave one dream behind to follow another. Another post for another day.
Hey - I was supposed to be working on topic titles for weekly posts... maybe I’ll ponder that for a while today. Maybe I’ll get back out on the walking path this week too.
Peace and joy be yours!!!
Recently I gathered a group of about 6-8 candles and placed the on a larger plate to burn as a nice collection. Between poor wick management and an almost unnoticed breeze, many of them burned sideways and ended up melting the candles beside it, creating a pretty cool melted work of art. Everyone who has noticed it has commented how much they like it. Josh went so far as to say he’d like to have one. LOL. I’m not sure I could actually reproduce the original - well, I know I couldn’t actually - it would be an original obviously - but I did attempt it. It’s not quite the same but it has the same feel to it. I think it’s something I’ll actually continue to attempt because I do like the very natural, unpretentious feel of freely melted max creating an entirely new look each time. So, candles, yeah.
Last night we had a FULL FAMILY MEAL!!! It was the first full day Sarah and Brad and the kids were back, and I wanted to make sure they had a decent meal. Packing and moving usually results in a lot of hodge-podge meals towards the end and then a lot of fast food while loading and traveling, so I knew they’d be ready for a decent meal. I was all-too-happy to oblige :-) Brad and I made the discovery, however, that neither of us really enjoys the whole pot roast, potatoes and carrots thing. Call me surprised. I thought I actually like it. Maybe it was because it was prepared in the oven rather than the crock pot or Insta-pot and the meat was not quite as tender as it would be that way. I actually prefer French Dip sandwiches if I’m using a chuck roast... do you really care about any of this? I didn’t think so LOL. I digress... We had the entire family here - that was the point. For the first time in months, we had all of our five kids present along with their spouses and kids. It was wonderful, awesome, fantastic, incredible - it was a gift to my heart and to my spirit.
Having a house full of grandkids and babies will be a new level of energy requirements, and I’m trusting God to provide all I need! ❤️
Speaking of trusting God - I’m having a real struggle putting aside the angst I’m experiencing about expectations and plans of our own for a new home. These are things I know I will have to work through. I need my walks. Walking helps me work through many things, and I haven’t walked for weeks now. In part, because of the frigid temps but now also because there has just been so many other things I needed to get done. Some of those things still are not complete, and I hope to be able to get to them before Sawyer makes his appearance. Since we really don’t want to hold up that sweet bundle of joy, I need to get on those tasks as quickly as possible.
Today, however, it’s off to Sarah’s house to hang out while the cable guy gets their hook-ups completed. Sammy needs clothes for school, and I’m sure there are more than a few other things I could help with. It is a bit surreal that they are home, and I can simply drive over to their house and vice versa. I know how difficult it was to leave one dream behind to follow another. Another post for another day.
Hey - I was supposed to be working on topic titles for weekly posts... maybe I’ll ponder that for a while today. Maybe I’ll get back out on the walking path this week too.
Peace and joy be yours!!!
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