Hello! Today is:


What exactly does that mean?

 “In the course of being done or carried out.  Underway, going on, ongoing, happening, occurring, taking place, proceeding, continuing...”

“A movement toward a goal or to a further or higher stage”

“Growth or development; continuous improvement”

“Forward and onward movement”

Okay, that works.  Those are some really good descriptions of the title of this blog.  I keep getting stuck in the vicious cycle of ‘why - why do I have this strong urge to write, and why does it just keep churning inside me, and why am I not doing it if it’s so important to me?”

The title of the blog is very fitting.  One of the challenges I have is the fact that I really can’t define a “niche”; I can’t really define who my audience is meant to be.  Some days, like today, it doesn’t really matter.  I really really want to just start coming here and writing.  Writing about life in progress, and that is kind of the problem.  My life, and my thoughts, are so scattered from one moment to the next, one day to the next, one area of living to another - that having any sense of purpose for the blog is nearly impossible.  The only thing I could possibly say is that it’s my blog, it’s my life in-progress, so I can (and should) write about whatever is relevant at the time.  Perhaps that actually is a reasonable purpose - just to see how very scattered and rich my life actually is.

Chaos might be the word I would have been more inclined to use before - but it’s not now.  I don’t really feel like our life is chaotic.  It is rich.  It is rich with family relationships, friendships, active faith, striving for (worthy) goals. And it is blessed.  I am careful using that word.  I don’t mean that God has blessed us just because we are in a good place, or this time is free from major catastrophe - I know that gives false connotation of God’s blessing.  Sometimes the blessings are the catastrophes.  Sometimes the challenges, struggles, hard things are the blessing.  They are the things he uses to draw us to himself.

And we are, indeed, blessed.  We do have our struggles and hard times - we are, in fact, in the midst of some very difficult times.  When I say “we”, I mean that we are all sharing in a difficult time of one or some of us.  Our grown daughter and her family are returning home from what they hoped would be their dream of living in Florida, warm weather and all things Disney.  They are ready to come home because of the very difficult challenges they encountered while there.  I think we all understand that it is a very difficult time for them, and at the same time it is a very good time for our family as they will be nearby again, where we can support them and they will once again be part of our family gatherings.  So bitter-sweet.

At the same time, we await the birth of a baby boy due in just a week or so.  We had to do some shuffling of households to make space for the above mentioned daughter and her family to return to their own house, which was being rented by another grown daughter and her husband (the one awaiting the birth of their son). To get a clear picture of what’s going on - we moved a daughter and her husband (who will be leaving for boot camp within days of the birth of their son) into our home so we could help her while he’s gone, and moved their household goods into storage for an unknown period of time.  Our son moves out and into his first apartment on Friday, and the other grown daughter who’s moving back from Florida (and her family) - God willing! - will arrive with their household on Sunday and move back into their house.  Shuffling the deck - it’s a familiar thing we do.

So I’m going to challenge myself, and see what happens if I just come back here and do the work.  Maybe if I work some of the kinks out there will actually be some good writing that happens. LOL. Until then, this is Life in Progress!

