Hello! Today is:


I love my morning routine.  Early rising and lots of reading, prayer and meditation.  This last two are words that get tossed around a lot.  But if you actually do them, you know they’re not just popular phrases.  My best days really do start out with a not unsubstantial amount of time in both, prayer and meditation.  To be honest, I spend more time reading and writing than either of those two.  I do, however, view my writing to be in large part my prayers, expressed in the way I do best.  My Morning Pages are mostly the things I would discuss with Jesus if he were sitting across from me at my kitchen table.  In fact, just this past few days an image came to me - Jesus, in modern attire - jeans and a nice shirt - hair cut and face trimmed - near me always.  Walking with me, sitting with me, listening to what I’m listening to, listening to me when I talk, talking to me when I’m listening.  It’s a bit crazy, I know.  But I’m going to explore that vision for a little while.  It’s helping me sense Jesus more.

What I actually popped on here for was to note a couple of things; one of which I can no longer remember - go figure LOL, and the other is this - that most of the wonderful things I read in the mornings, devotionals and books with encouragement for life, contain truths I have already discovered, and often times have already put into action in my own life.  Reading them just further confirms my own experiences. Even reading some articles from one of the writers I met at Allume, who has some actually writing “out there” - you know, she actually writes like a writer does LOL. Her articles are brief and to the point, using mostly her own personal experiences to illustrate some faith issue.  I could write those things too, I just don’t - haven’t - not here anyway. Not yet.


