Hello! Today is:


Sawyer Jax - on the day you were born

Wow!  Sitting in the room where my newest grandson was born just this morning.  Mama is asleep and daddy is holding baby nearby on the sofa.  Friends is playing on the tv.

“How will I know it’s really labor?” She kept asking.

“Trust me, you’ll know, somehow, you’ll just know.” Was always my response.  And she did, she knew.

She texted me around 9:31 p.m. last night to tell me she’d had some Braxton hicks that were more regular than those she’d been having.  Just to let me know :-) The next thing I knew she was waking me up around 12:30 to tell me she’d starting having the real contractions - they woke her up and she knew, just knew.

Those contractions were very close - only 3-4 minutes apart - and they were lasting nearly 2 minutes. Dakota was using an app on his phone to log them, but we figured out he had been using it incorrectly at first.  It didn’t really matter, because it was clear they were strong, and they were close. She knew it was time to go to the hospital and text Sylvia.  And so we did.

The new hospital is very nice.  The staff is incredible.  Since it was late, we had to enter through the emergency department, and they wheeled her from there to the birthing center.  Later, one of the nurses laughed that she hadn’t seen that young man move so quickly getting a patient delivered to the right location. Guess those contractions she had to stop and breathe through at the desk made an impression on him LOL.

They got her settled pretty quickly in her room, changed her into a gown and checked her.  6!  She was already at a 6! And 100% effaced. The first nurse checking here said she thought she was at zero station, but that was later discussed and a second nurse thought she was more like a -2 station.  Either way, baby was well on the way.  The water was bulging and the contractions were very productive.

And so the laboring began in full force.  The only thing she ended up having to help with the pain was Staydol (I’m not sure about the spellling on that - check later).  It was her wish to labor and deliver all natural.  She had a great birth plan printed out and given to them.  They immediately went to work to make sure every detail was taken care of - including the tub and the ball.

When she said, I want drugs, I said no you don’t.  And she really didn’t.  She’s glad she stuck to her decision.  Although it was really hard to do.

Sawyer was born at 6:05 a.m. on January 25, 2018.  Weighing in at 6 lbs, 10 ozs and 20 inches long.  He sucks his thumb like his mama.

Mandie pushed for about one hour.  She had extensive tearing that had to be repaired, and will no doubt be the most difficult part of recovery. :-(

Breastfeeding is going well, with the only challenge being those darned inverted nipples!  Baby has a fantastic latch and suck reflex.  He’s very alert, and hungry.  Mandie has been leaking milk since 16 weeks, and her supply is already unbelievable. Offering the breast, then pumping and giving the colostrum with a syringe is the thing today.  Trying so hard not to resort to the nipple shield.  If it happens, it’s like Sarah and I agreed - if it comes down to a decision to breastfeed with the nipple shield or not at all - it’s a no brainer.  The shields they have today are eons better than those I had to deal with when I had Sarah.

I went home to rest, eat, shower and now have returned for the night at Mandie’s request.  Mandie is resting but unable to actually sleep.  Dakota is bonding with that sweet baby Sawyer.

There are way more details, to be sure, but they’ll have to be added as they come to me.  So glad I thought to bring my ipad, and so glad I made the recent decision to just do the writing, however imperfect it may be.


Pure Joy and Gratitude for safe and healthy labor and delivery.

