Hello! Today is:


I have had a few of you ask if Sarah would like items from Pampered Chef for shower/wedding gift and the answer is a resounding,YES! Below is the list - this was the easiest way to put a list out there since she didn't actually register. This is a big wish list - it will be good to work from for years from Mom.

three-tiered stand w/two large one medium plate
appetizer plates & plates caddy
small bowl caddy w/two small bowls
petite squares
rectangle platter
bambo snack bowls
bambo square bowl medium or large
large serve spatula
large spreader
all purpose spreader
quickut paring knives
easy read measure cups
rectangle stone
muffin pan stone
silicone crown cake pan
base brush
jamaican jerk rub
medium, small square bowls

Sarah tells me this is in no particular order. This is the list she provided and it does not include detailed item numbers :-(

Anyway - there's some ideas for those of you wondering what to get the bride-to-be. They are also registered at Wal-mart.

