They say that keeping up is hard to do...
(to the beat of 'breakin' up is hard to do') get it? Yeah, I'm dating myself, I know. But my title is just as true. Can't keep up with myself, let alone the Jones! I have a list of lists and then other lists. Have I mentioned lately that I HATE shopping!!! Part of the list(s) includes shopping - shopping for home projects, garden projects, vacation preparation, wedding preparation, grocery shopping - it goes on and on. Yes, I am very thankful to be blessed to have a home to improve and therefore have to shop for and a vacation approaching and a wedding and a budget for food that allows cooking great meals (and not so great sometimes, too). I would just rather spend my time doing the projects and hangin' out at home with my family than run around from store to store to store only to have to go back to the same stores to return and/or exchange items that didn't work out as planned.
Wouldn't you like to offer me a little cheese to go with my WHINE! :-0
Seriously, the trees still need pruned. I discovered today that I probably made a bad decision planting my bushes where I did because I think it has poor drainage :-( I still don't have some of the other things planted that probably should be by now but it's not too late either.
Time to get back to work - or at least back to thinking about all the work that needs to be done.
Wouldn't you like to offer me a little cheese to go with my WHINE! :-0
Seriously, the trees still need pruned. I discovered today that I probably made a bad decision planting my bushes where I did because I think it has poor drainage :-( I still don't have some of the other things planted that probably should be by now but it's not too late either.
Time to get back to work - or at least back to thinking about all the work that needs to be done.
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